Audio Podcast

 When listening to a podcast from an audio view and not a camera view made it a little different as I really had to pay attention to every word and detail they would say or talk about. As for when there is a camera you can use hand gestures, face expressions, or even pictures to show and represent what you are trying to talk about. With audio podcast every word matters and you will have to even be more detailed with how you talk due to the fact that audience can't see your expression or reactions.

For the podcast I choose, it was "Podcast #23: Increase the Effectiveness of Your Communication | Thriving Therapy Practice" and one thing that I spotted out with what Jennifer Sneeden said was that "I am so excited I am jumping in and out of my chair" as any audience member would not be able to tell how excited she is without her saying how she is feeling by expressing her emotions through her words rather than her actions. 

For Jennifer she also states about examples of how she can use effective communication on her own personal practices. In which people should translate the idea of having practices which you don't think twice about to be translated into communication to become another habit. Jennifer states, "Eating is a natural habit we have, and I want us to take that mindset towards developing ourselves to professionally and personally helping our mindset and outlook as it's a daily practice." With that being said, you can make something a habit if you take the same approach of it and the way she is able to word that so you can get the full understanding of it is a great job by her in the podcast.
